
Your donations and support are essential to the existence of BHRA. We don't want you to wonder how your dollars are being spent. The following examples are ways we may use donations
to help our hounds:
Monthly heartworm preventive
Full veterinary intake including exam,and vacinations
Spay/Neuter Vouchers
Collars, leashes, toys, beds, crates
Additional medical costs for individual needs of some bassets

Recurring Donations
Securing sufficient and steady funding is our biggest challenge. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we are desperately in need of your generous donations!
All funds donated to BHRA are tax-deductible and go directly to the bassets. The donations support our goals of returning these unfortunate hounds to good health, spaying and neutering, microchipping, and securing them nurturing foster environments until they find their forever homes.
Many of our animals come into our care with severe medical problems and, as a result, vet bills can become overwhelming. All donations go directly to the bassets' care and help provide food, shelter and medical treatment.